Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Tuesday Template Challenge

This was a tough one, but another page done and it was fun to enter it. Maybe I'll win the $5 gift card. Whoa!!!! Here is the template and the only rule was that you needed to leave the flower there, as in make a huge flower as a part of your page.

Here's my finished product I used the template for the right side of the page and the left was made to match. I always have to modify the templates since I love to do double pagers. The title of the page is called Budding Artist:


To see what all the other people have done with the template go HERE.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bubbles Speed Scrap

I did another speedscrap over at It's always so challenging to get an entire layout done in such a short time, but it's a fun challenge. After I posted I realized I had some mistakes so I'll have to go back and fix those, but I am pretty happy with the results.

Here are the instructions that were posted every ten minutes:
8:00 Choose your pictures. You can use as many as you want and color them however you want. I want them to be framed or have a border around them. Also try to figure out what your title will be, but don’t put it on your page yet. Don’t forget to save as we go along...

8:10 Create a wordart. Take the title or quote or whatever you want and make it into a word art. I want to see different fonts or alphas (at least 2). Play with color, size, and position of key words. Remember that save button… 8:20 Add 3 papers. Two have to be patterned. Be creative. See what works together. And there’s always that save button…

8:30 Now, for my own personal layouts, I usually let the imaginary tape or glue hold my pictures onto my pages. I want to be able to see how your picture is attached to your page. Use photo corners, staples, tape, whatever you want to attach that picture to your page. Each picture you have used must be attached somehow. And save…

8:40 Now add your elements. You can use whatever you want and as many as you want. But I want a good plenty of them to be tucked behind things. Let’s play with layering. Yep, don’t forget to save…

8:50 Add the story. What is happening in your picture(s)? Who is doing what? Remember, 20 years from now, you might look back and say, “Oh, look at little Suzy. I remember how she loved to run through the sprinklers. I remember buying her that swimming suit. I think it was the summer of ’08.” But more than likely (if you’re anything like me)…you’ll have to take a second glance to even realize who is in the picture, let alone trying to remember what was going on. PSA: Save your layout.

9:00 Find a creative way to date it. I don’t care how it’s done, just try to be creative with it. Just put it in your journaling, hide it somewhere, or use something different to you to actually put your date on. Just see what you can come up with.

To see what other speedscrappers did click HERE.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Quack Quack here

Wow, two challenges in one week. I'm on a roll. Actually I am just a sucker for those participation prizes from my favorite designer. Here's what you get just for participating in the Saturday Special Challenge over at Scrapmatters. I still have some scrapbook pages to do from my piano lesson days so I'm excited to use this. Ha.

And here's what you have to do. It's a Music and Lyrics challenge so you have to use musical inspiration in your scrapbook layout. For mine I decided to do a scrapbook page from when we went to feed the ducks. It seemed so fitting to put some of the lyrics from "Old McDonald had a Farm". Here's what I came up with.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah, I actually won!!!

I won the Speedy Scrap Challenge so I got to pick a kit from my favorite designer, Brittish Designs. I'm so excited!!! She only has a couple kits that I don't already have (can you say scrapbook junkie???) so here's the one I picked. I love all the glitter and fun. I think it will be great for birthday parties too!

Speed Scrap

I did this speed-scrap over at Scrapmatters. Basically you get one hour of instructions, every ten minutes you get new instructions until the hour is over. At the end you have 1 more hour to finish your page and upload it to yout gallery. This one was super hard for me because I don't usually do black and white pics. I really had to struggle and I'm still not sure if I'm going to leave it this way. I definately have a few things to tweek, but it was a good learning experience and I got a nice participation gift. Doubt I'll win a prize, but it was fun to play along. Here are the instructions:

- As many photos as you want. All Photos must be black and white.
- 1 patterned paper and 1 solid paper (you may have more, but no less)
- Quote, saying or song lyric
- At least three circles of some kind
- Title must use 1 lowercase alpha, 1 alpha only
- Journal at least one sentence
- Date it. And have nice shadows.

Here's what I came up with:
If you want to see what everyone else did click HERE.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Scrap from the Past

Last weekend I went home to my parents' house and I scanned in all my childhood pictures so this challenge was just perfect for me. The Tuesday Template Challenge over at scrapmatters was to use the following template and to scrap a picture over 5 years old.

Here's the template:

Here's my final product. Of course I turned it into a 2 pager.

I hope Sarah decides to play along with me this week!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Try it Out Template Challenge

Ok, my favorite designer is hosting this week's Tuesday Template Challenge at so I decided I better start working on it. Here's the template you need to use:And here's my final product (of course it's a 2 pager). I'm not sure if I'm completely done with it. It just doesn't feel quite done to me. Hmmm.....